The Best of Both | Bend, OR | June 19th
Join us at The 2021 Best of Both venue at the Inn at Seventh Mountain in Bend, OR on Saturday, June 19th for 1 of 2 fun mini clinics. The first will be for the ladies new to mountain biking. The second will be for anyone who wants to improve their jumping skills. Sign up below! And check out more about the weekend of festivities and racing at
INTRO TO JUMPING CLINICGet ready to jump, jump! Are you at least an intermediate rider and have interest in learning how to jump or improving your jumps mountain biking? Do you already jump a little but you're not quite sure what you're doing? Join Grit Clinics for a progression of these skills whether you're brand new to it or you've already been jumping. We will show you how to be safe and shreddy on the jumps!
When: Saturday, June 19 | 1:30p - 3:30p Where: Seventh Mountain Resort |